Thursday, October 17, 2019

Training and Development in UK Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Training and Development in UK Business - Essay Example This helps the organization to train the employee while they are still performing their duties. On-work training is one of the most effective ways of helping an organization to increase the skills of its workforce. However organization can also train their employees in other institution. In this case employees are given study leave to attend training in other institutions. This is usually important when organization want to train their employees on new technology which is not readily available. There are other benchmarked ways that have been shown to be important in the training and development of the workforce that can be used by organization (Arkin 1995, p. 73). Employees can also be trained on different issues. The kind of skills that the company imparts to its workforce depends on the line of operations. But there are general skills that any company will need to impart to its workforce including communications, customer services, respecting diversity in the workplace, ethics in operation, human relations, and others that are important in the functioning of the organization as one system. But the most important skills that any organization would like to impart of its workforce with the special skills that are used in its line of operations. However at the end of the day there ar... However at the end of the day there are number of benefits that both the employees and the organization are likely to have. Although the organization will use a lot of resource in training the employee, at the end it will have a competent workforce and increase its overall production. It will haves satisfied workforce and reduce its rate of employee turnover. It will also help to enhance the image of the company and help in risk management. For the employees, there will be increased job satisfaction, increase level of employee motivation, increase efficiencies in the production process, increase capacity for them to adapt to the new work processes and the new technologies that are being implemented in the workplace, increase innovation and reduced turnover (Beard 2002, p. 83).Most of the studies that have been carried out have shown that there is a difference between different companies in the way they train their employees and the achievement of the employees. In this case it has be en noted that companies may use the same training and development process but achieve different end results. While the quality and the level of train can be taken as a probable factor causing this difference, many studies have not looked the employee's contribution factor in the efficiency of the process. There is need to carry out more research on the different between employee expectation and perception of training and the overall success of training and development initiatives (Thorpe 1997, p. 23). Problem statement Although most companies have invested in the training and development of their workforces, they have not been achieving the same result. Studies have

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